Privacy Policy

We care a lot about privacy. All data that may be collected are used only for a better user experience. We do not give, exchange or sale private data of its user to any organisation.

Qwaz Audio, Qwaz Audio Lite and Qwaz Pro for iOS and MacOS

No personal data is collected from these applications. Their potential access to iCloud or other data storage server for downloading and uploading is only  managed by the operating system or third parties applications (Owncloud, Dropbox, etc.).

Multipleo for iOS

Multipleo! for kids do not collect any data of any kind. Neither name, nor surname, age or financial information. This application do not offer any online access. All data and statistics created by Multipleo application are stored only in the application on the user device and cannot be accessed by a third party.

Energies for iOS

Energies do not collect any data of any kind. Neither name, nor surname, age or financial information. This application do not offer any online access. website

• Leonardo website use cookies to enhance user experience. These are automatically managed by our information system, without any -manual or automatic- processing from Leonardo Labs and its employees.

• Our support forum are access after creating a personal account. The data (login, password and email) are stored to control access to our forum pages. The file containing these data has been declared to the french National Commission on freedom and computing (CNIL) under number 1818555V0.

Legal information.

Publisher: Denis Delbecq
3 rue Hégésippe Moreau. 75018 Paris. France
Publishing manager: Denis Delbecq

Website Host: OVH

French SAS with share capital of 10 059 500 €. RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045. Registered Office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

© 2024 Denis Delbecq